Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Let's grow old together and ride this kind of bike hun! (pict. courtesy of wikimedia)

This is my first post at 2010 hehehe.. let's talk about resolution!
1. be a better praying girl :)
2. graduate a.s.a.p (which I think will come very very soon, amiiiiin)
3. visit Lombok
4. apply for a barista position at Starbucks
5. less shopping, more saving
6. buy Dad and Mom something good from my own salary (amiiin again)
7. learn to ride a bike!!! (well this is embarassing, but oh well, can't do anything about it) :P
8. studying japanese at nagano

let's let's do our best to achieve our own resolution.. put our hard work, and don't forget to pray! :* :*

Bismillah.. (^o^)

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